Monday, February 23, 2009

Mickey Rourke Makes Acceptance Speech History

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Mickey Rourke set new highs and lows for outlandish acceptance speeches Saturday afternoon after receiving a Best Actor award for his performance in "The Wrestler".

One of the first things to come out of the star's mouth was his declaration that "Eric Roberts is the fucking man!". From here, it only got stranger and funnier. He thanked everyone from Melissa Tomei (later correcting himself to have meant to say Marissa) to a girl that he only referred to as "gap tooth". He thanked his publicist for always telling him "who to fuck and who not to fuck", he thanked his dead dogs. He mentioned how great it was to be given this award by three such talented people, meaning presenters Laura Dern and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. When he realized that the third person was just a stage usher, he quickly amended that statement to "just two talented people. I don't know what you do, honey." Other topics included sodomy, steroids and being told to "fuck off" by the Santa Monica Police Department amongst other absurdities. All of this came after he smooched Darren Aronofsky, the director of "The Wrestler", immediately following the announcement that he had won. It was abundantly clear that it was unscripted and even more obvious that Aronofsky did not approve. No telling if this plum crazy performance will affect any of the goodwill that Rourke has been able to establish in the last few months or so, but unfortunately Rourke did not get to make a follow-up performance at the Oscars, losing to the always nominated Sean Penn. Rourke went away for a long time before his recent success, up until now it could have been assumed that he spent his time out of the Hollywood spotlight on Earth. Now, no one can really be sure that he didn't spin off into outer space and other galaxies for a decade or so.

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